Download 11g - how to create oracle account - Reply

For this comment in : post, I could not reply due to some technical difficulties. Find my answer in this post:

The question was:
Im a student and while creating the account in the oracle site its asks for office name...what should I write?

While creating the user you specify your role as Student. You can enter any name for the company. Oracle might have to think again for this question.


Download Oracle 11g

Oracle’s new database offering 11g is released and is available for download:

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Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (
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Running 10gAS Form in full window

Mini Tip: Running 10gAS forms in MDI Window

Author: Anantha Narayanan

Date: November 6th 2007


Those who have been migrating from Oracle Client Server forms would have always wondered why the 10g forms are running always inside a browser. They probably know the reason of such behaviour.


In today’s mini article we will see how to change the default behaviour of 10gAS forms back to client server mode. If you have installed 10gAS in your local machine then there is no problem of access rights. If this is installed in some server and you do not have access to that machine, then forget this setting, because we need to modify the default server settings.


Locate the file formsweb.cfg (for default installations) (its default location will be in <AS_INSTALLATION_PATH>\forms\server and find out a parameter named separateFrame. This is a Forms applet parameter. These parameters are used to initialize the forms applet.


Modify the value for separateFrame from false to true. That’s all you need to do to change the default behaviour.


Note: If 10gAS is installed in D:\oracle\as, then the formsweb.cfg can be found out in D:\oracle\as\forms\server folder in case of Windows installations. In case of Linux/Unix installations if 10gAS is installed in /oracle/as, then the formsweb.cfg can be found out in /oracle/as/forms/server directory.

Tuning a LIKE-clause to use Index

The LIKE-clause can ignore indexes, causing queries to run forever while doing full table scans. This document describes how to tune such SQL statements by making use of Oracle Text or reverse key indexes.

Tuning the ‘LIKE’ Clause:

Generally, search arguments in the WHERE clause such as "IS NULL", "<>", "!=", "!>", "!<", "NOT", "NOT EXISTS", "NOT IN", "NOT LIKE", and "LIKE '%500'" prevents Oracle from using an index to perform the search (however, not always).

If you use LIKE in your WHERE clause, try to specify one or more leading characters if at all possible. For example, use LIKE 'm%' and not LIKE '%m'. If you specify a leading character, Oracle has a better chance of being able to use an index to perform the query - this will increase performance and reduce the load on the database server.

To avoid such full table scans, consider the following scenarios:

Case 1: Tuning the LIKE-clause by using Oracle Text indexes


A. Install and configure Oracle's TEXT (done as part of the installation process).

B. Check whether Oracle TEXT is installed by looking for the 'CTXSYS' schema.

The problem

I. Create a test table:

create table t as select * from tab;
CREATE INDEX normal_index ON t
SQL> select TABLE_NAME from t where TABLE_NAME LIKE '%SEG%';

II. Run a query to demonstrate that it will do a full table scan:

SQL> set autotrace traceonly explain
SQL> select TABLE_NAME from t where TABLE_NAME LIKE '%SEG%';
Execution Plan
   1    0   TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'T'

III. Drop the index:

SQL> drop index normal_index;
Index dropped.


I. Create an Oracle Text index on the columns that you would like to search:

SQL> create index xyz_oracle_txt_idx on t(TABLE_NAME) INDEXTYPE IS CTXSYS.CONTEXT;
Index created.

II. Change the LIKE-clause to an CONTAINS-clause - WHERE CONTAINS(TABLE_NAME, '%SEG%') > 0;


III. Look at the SQL plan:

SQL> set autotrace traceonly explain
Execution Plan
   0      SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=2 Card=1 Bytes=24)
   1    0   TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'T' (Cost=2 Card=1 Bytes=
   2    1     DOMAIN INDEX OF 'XYZ_ORACLE_TXT_IDX' (Cost=0)

Much better!

Case 2: Tuning the LIKE-clause by using reverse key indexes

Another trick for indexing queries with a leading wildcard character (like '%SON') is to create a REVERSE index - and then programmatically reverse the LIKE-clause to read "LIKE 'NOS%'", effectively indexing on the other side of the text, clumsy, yet effective.


1. Create reverse key index on columns that will be searched. For example, create a reverse key index on Cust_Name of the customer table:

CREATE INDEX Cust_Name_reverese_idx
ON customer(Cust_Name)

2. Programmatically reverse the SQL LIKE-clause to read '%saliV%':

Existing Query:

FROM customer
WHERE Cust_Name LIKE '%Vilas%'

New Query:

FROM customer
WHERE Cust_Name LIKE '%saliV%';